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NeuroWellness MD

Memory Problems

Causes of Memory Loss

Does your loved one suffer from memory problems? It may be time for them to see a neurologist. It is important to understand that not everyone with memory loss has Alzheimer’s. It’s a common part of aging to experience some level of forgetfulness or a minor decline in some thinking skills. Memory impairment may be related to poor sleep, medications, alcoholism, stress, depression and anxiety, and a variety of other conditions. With proper treatment many of these cases of memory loss can be reversed.

A Neurologist Evaluation for Memory Problems Is Important​

A neurologist will carefully screen a patient to determine the source of memory problems. In some cases, the memory loss could be due to any number of treatable conditions such as a vitamin deficiency, an underactive thyroid gland, or a brain infection. A prompt diagnosis is important because many of the reversible conditions that cause memory loss need to be treated.

If the diagnosis is mild cognizant impairment (MCI) or Alzheimer’s (which is not reversible), it’s vital to begin treatment to manage symptoms and plan for the future right away.

When being evaluated for memory loss, it is essential for family members to accompany the patient. They provide information which is very insightful to the neurologist. This gives us much better picture of what is going on with the patient.

Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a devastating condition that affects not only the individual but the entire family. It often begins with forgetfulness but then progresses to other problems such as changes in behavior and speech, erratic sleep patterns, difficulty taking care of themselves, and even forgetting other family members.

Although there is no cure for the condition, we strive to optimize the patient’s treatment and stabilize their condition. Early diagnosis allows patients and families to educate themselves, determine future care needs, and settle legal or financial matters.

Many patients with Alzheimer’s believe that they do not have any problems with their memory. Because of this, it is vital that family members work with the patient in terms of their treatment and care. By working closely with your loved one, you can make a big difference in their lives.

If you or a loved one is suffering with memory problems:

Concussion Memory Loss Treatment

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