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NeuroWellness MD

Crunchy Knee?

Knee pain afflicts 1 in 4 adults

Small injuries over the years lead to bigger pain down the line. When it comes to knee pain, different structures can be the culprit. More often than not, folks have cartilage that is worn away with time. This can be the menisci or the shock absorbers in your knee, the cartilage surrounding your femur or even the cartilage behind your knee cap. As this wears away the bones start rubbing together as arthritis accelerates.

What can you do at home?

  1. Strength train your legs to help give more support
  2. Anti-inflammatory diet can be helpful. Let go of things that include dairy, rice, and gluten
  3. Glucosamine with chondroitin and MSM can help alleviate pain

When your knee is not improving or not responding to conservative treatment, its time to get checked out.
In our office, we utilize more holistic approaches to avoid surgery. Interested in learning more, please give our office a call or 
contact us and set up an appointment for your consultation.

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